Thursday, May 3, 2012

Freehand Airbrush

This design means a lot to me. When I look at it, I see a reflection of a little girl, of course. This is my middle child, my Jay-bug. I was checking to see if I could still do some quick photo realistic portrait work with the airbrush. I think I still got it. However, my opinions don't count here. What say ye?

I thought this would be a pretty good design for some girlie t-shirts. It's hardcore, yet soft at the same time What do you think?

Fitness is important!!!

This was a really quick banner I created for one of my good friends fitness promotion on her website. I know it's not Christmas time yet but, they are really forward thinking and I like that.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Small Stride Logo

Thanks to Mrs. Margaret Allen, Director and Owner of Small Stride Academy for allowing me to update her logo giving her Brand a new look.

Blessed In Christ Music Productions

Logo design done for a music producer friend of mine. He plays bass guitar, thus the bass clef symbol in the design. The red cross also has a symbolic meaning, one of healing or help synonymous with the mission of the American Red Cross.